HC Deb 14 November 1888 vol 330 c1151

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, What were the exact words of the telegram from the Prime Minister of Queensland asking to be informed of the name of the proposed Governor before the actual appointment; and, whether the Government of South Australia has communicated a similar request to the British Government regarding the new Governor of South Australia; and, if so, what reply has been sent by the Secretary of State?


In the absence of my hon. Friend I have been asked to read his answer to this Question. The following is the telegram referred to, which was received on the 18th of October:— Urge that I may be informed confidentially of name of proposed Governor of Queensland, before the Secretary of State for the Colonies decides definitely upon the matter. The letter addressed to the Agent General for Queensland in acknowledgment of this telegram was read to the House on Monday last. I take this opportunity of also reading the telegram received from the Government of Queensland on the 8th instant, and the reply to which has been given to the House. The telegram from the Chief Secretary, Brisbane, to the Agent General for Queensland, London, was as follows:— Referring to your telegram of the 19th of October, inform the Secretary of State for the Colonies that Sir Henry Blake's appointment is not acknowledged to be satisfactory; its announcement has been received with general astonishment and indignation. His career should not have marked him out as fit for governing a Colony possessing responsible Government. A more unfortunate appointment could not have been made. Sir Samuel Griffith authorizes me to join his protest with mine. Thus all sides in politics are represented. A letter was received yesterday afternoon from the Agent General for South Australia to the effect mentioned in the second Question. Her Majesty's Government has not yet had time to consider the reply to it.