HC Deb 14 May 1888 vol 326 cc158-9
MR. BRADLAUGH (Northampton)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he is aware that the specific promise made by him on the 28th of February, 1887, in relation to Central Telegraph Office promotions, is now being departed from, in that it is proposed to promote certain transferred telegraphists to the first class over London men of longer service; and, whether this new departure has his approval?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

I have no recollection of the specific promise to which the hon. Member alludes. I find that on the 28th of February, 1887, I answered him to the following effect:— I am not quite sure that I understand the Question; but if the hon. Member will call at the General Post Office, I will take care that he shall receive the fullest information. On February 23 last, in answer to the hon. Member for South Down (Mr. M'Cartan), who asked me a similar Question, I stated— That since January 1, 1882,84 telegraphists have been transferred from the country to London; that out of this number eight have been promoted in advance of London telegraphists of equal or longer service; and that all these promotions have taken place since March 1 of last year. The 84 telegraphists, most of whom have been brought to London at a time of extreme pressure, and who were all transferred in the direct interest of the Service, were incorporated into the London Establishment according to their qualifications and pay; and in the case of the eight to whose promotion the hon. Member refers, it happened, owing to the fact of their having joined the Department as skilled telegraphists, that both their qualifications and pay were higher than those of their Metropolitan colleagues of equal service, who had joined as learners direct from the School of Telegraphy. This seems to show the practice of the Department in the matter, which has not since been varied, and I have no present intention of varying it.