§ Me. P. J. O'BRIEN (Tipperary, N.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he has yet received the Report in answer to the full inquiry which he promised into the circumstances of the case of the Cranna Orphanage, in County Tipperary; whether it is in accordance with the facts as reported at the coroner's inquest on the body of the boy Madden; whether the remaining children in that Institution are still on the dietary, the nature of which was then disclosed; and, whether he will take steps to have this and similar Institutions in Ireland visited at intervals by authorized Government Inspectors, so as to afford some protection to the orphan children therein confined, and to prevent the recurrence of such inhuman treatment as has been proved in the case of the Cranna orphans?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) (Manchester, E.)The local Constabulary authorities have furnished a copy of the verdict at the inquest on the body of the boy Madden, from which it appears that he died from weakness or syncope; but neither the jury nor the Coroner appears to have attached blame to any individual. The jury, however, in their verdict pointed out certain defects which, in their opinion, existed in the Institution as re- 1470 guards clothing, dietary, and attendance. A letter has been received from the Bishop of Killaloe stating that steps have been taken to carry out the recommendations put forward by the Coroner's Jury in order to remedy the existing defects.
§ MR. P. J. O'BRIENThe right hon. Gentleman did not answer the last part of the Question. I understand the Bishop of Killaloe very rarely visits the Institution.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI do not think a Government Inspector would be at all an improvement.