§ MR. AIRD (Paddington, N.)asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether, in the interests of the public safety, he will consider the advisability of applying to many of the antique stations still existing, the requirements now held to be necessary in the construction of new railway station works; and also of conferring powers on the Board of Trade to exercise afterwards 1354 reasonable supervision and to enforce such additions being made as may be proved necessary for the altered condition and increase of traffic?
§ THE PRESIDENT (Sir MICHAEL HICKS-BEACH) (Bristol, W.)The Board of Trade have power to direct an inspection of all new works made from time to time on existing railways, and in the exercise of this power the circumstances of old stations are frequently brought under their notice. Whether the Board of Trade should or should not have the further powers referred to by the hon. Member is a matter of policy which I cannot deal with in the limits of an answer; but the matter will receive my consideration.