§ Ordered, That the Select Committee on Burgh Police and Health (Scotland) Bill do consist of Twenty-five Members.
1326§ The Committee was accordingly nominated of,—Mr. Anstruther, Mr. Asher, Mr. Baird, Sir George Balfour, Mr. Barbour, Mr. Barclay, Mr. Bolton, Mr. Preston Bruce, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Macdonald Cameron, Sir Archibald Campbell, Mr. R. F. Campbell, Dr. Clark, Mr. Cochrane-Baillie, Mr. Donald Crawford, Lord Elcho, Mr. Esslemont, Mr. Hozier, the Lord Advocate, Mr. Menzies, Mr. F. S. Powell, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Mark Stewart, Mr. Webster, and Mr. Williamson, with power to send far persons, papers, and records.
§ Ordered, That Five be the quorum.