HC Deb 23 March 1888 vol 324 c173
MR. FRASER-MACKINTOSH (Inverness-shire)

asked the Postmaster General, Why the mail communication by steamer from Oban to Lochmaddy has been withdrawn; whether he is aware that great dissatisfaction and inconvenience has arisen in consequence to the people of North Uist; and, whether he can see his way to restore the communication, which had only been obtained a year ago after much solicitation?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

With a view to give effect to wishes frequently expressed, a mail packet was recently established between Portree and Dunvegan, calling at Lochmaddy in both directions, and affording to Lochmaddy every day of the week, Sunday excepted, a convenient means of communicating with the mainland viâ Strome Ferry. It is in these circumstances that the continuance of the mail communication by steamer from Lochmaddy viâ Oban (which had been afforded under very different circumstances) did not appear to the Government to be justified; and I regret that I can hold out no prospect of its restoration.