§ MR. HANBURY (Preston)asked the Under Secretary of State for India, What contracts for stamps and stamped paper were made with the firm of De la Rue and Co. in the years 1880 or 1881; when do such contracts expire; whether all, or any of such contracts, were made without competition; what part, if any, officials of the Department of Inland Revenue took in advising the India Office as to making such contracts, and in what capacity; and, whether the India Office has reason to believe that any, or all, of such contracts have entailed a large and unnecessary extra expenditure upon the Indian. Exchequer; and, if so, to what extent?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Sir JOHN GORST) (Chatham)The contracts of the Secretary of State with Messrs. De la Rue are—(1) a contract for judicial stamped paper made in January, 1881, which expires in September, 1888; and (2) a contract for stamps made in January, 1881, which expires in December, 1890. These contracts were made without competition. No officials of the Inland Revenue at that time advised the Secretary of State for India; but he had before him the contract made by the Inland Revenue for British stamps for the Post Office. These contracts were renewals of previous unexpired contracts, in which higher prices were specified; and it is impossible now to ascertain whether better terms could have been obtained at the time when they were made.
§ MR. HANBURYgave Notice that on going into Committee of Supply he would call attention to these contracts, and move for correspondence.
§ MR. HENNIKER HEATON (Canterbury)asked, whether any official connected with the Stamp Department had made a Report as to a probable loss of nearly £500,000 on account of contracts for stamped paper?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. JACKSON) (Leeds, N.)said, he had no information on the subject.