HC Deb 15 March 1888 vol 323 c1311
MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland a Question of which he had given private Notice, Whether he could lay on the Table of the House, before the discussion on the arrears; question next Wednesday, any further information as to the working of the 30th section of the Land Act of last Session, especially as regards the way in which arrears had been dealt with by the County Court Judges?


Yes, Sir; that is a subject upon which I am endeavouring to collect information. As the hon. Gentleman is probably aware, it rests with the clerks of the Court to supply it, and I cannot get it direct from my own officials; therefore, I cannot insure having all the information which I desire to lay before the House; but I have received information with regard to certain counties, and that, together with any other information that I am able to lay before the House, I shall be glad to produce.