HC Deb 02 March 1888 vol 323 c16
SIR WALTER FOSTER (Derby, Ilkeston)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether it is the general rule to appoint in county districts parochial medical officers who are resident in the districts; and, if so, why this rule has not been followed in the Waters Upton District of the Wellington Union, in the County of Salop?

THE SECRETARY (Mr. LONG)(who replied) (Wilts, Devizes)

said: As a general rule, Guardians, when the circumstances admit of it, appoint as district medical officers medical practitioners who are resident in the districts for which they are to act. In cases such as that referred to the appointment is annual; and the Guardians in December last, by 15 votes to 3, determined to re-appoint the non-resident practitioner, who has held the office for 10 years. The Guardians state that the duties during the period have been discharged with perfect satisfaction to themselves and to the patients. The officer is daily in the district; and it is a condition of his re-appointment that he shall have a surgery in the district, where he is to attend at least two days a-week. The only objection which has been made to the appointment is by the unsuccessful candidate, who has been resident in the district about 15 months. The Board did not consider that the circumstances were such as to preclude their acceding to the wishes of the large majority of the Guardians, and they, therefore, assented to the appointment.