HC Deb 02 March 1888 vol 323 c31
MR. JAMES STUART (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether he is aware of an official Report, entitled "Thirteenth Annual Report of the Working of the Lock Hospitals of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh for the year ending 31st December, 1886," signed by "J. Richardson, Surgeon Major, Officiating Sanitary Commissioner for the North West Provinces and Oudh;" whether there is a copy of that Report in the possession of the India Office; whether he is aware that the Report referred to states, with respect to venereal diseases among the troops, that— The present ratio is still higher than the mean of the previous fire years, and also than the mean of five years prior to the opening of the look hospitals; whether he is aware that in the Report referred to the medical officer for the cantonment of Bareilly, in order to meet the increase of venereal diseases which has taken place under the operation of the Contagious Diseases Acts system, states that— It is proposed to endeavour to induce a greater number of prostitutes to reside in cantonments, by making their residence there more attractive; and continues— Assistance would be given from cantonment funds, which are in a nourishing condition, to enable women to furnish their houses so as to make them convenient both for themselves and for their visitors; and, whether he is aware that there are in the Report other similar recommendations?


No copy of the Report referred to has yet been received.