HC Deb 25 June 1888 vol 327 cc1126-7
MR. BROADHURST (Nottingham, W.)

asked the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education, Whether the Nottingham School Board have made repeated requests to the Education Department to be permitted to provide additional accommodation in the People's College Board School, and have made various proposals for that purpose; whether the attendance is in excess of the certified accommodation, notwithstanding that more than 100 children have been refused admission; whether he is aware that the school is centrally situated, and is so successful as to cost the ratepayers nothing; whether, instead of complying with the Board's requests, the Education Department has proposed the ejection of the scholars in the three lower standards; and, whether the application which has lately been made for leave to erect supplementary schools on another site will be acceded to by the Department?


The People's College Board School was established as a higher grade school to serve the necessities of the whole town; and the proposals of the Board would have had the effect of converting it into a school of the ordinary type for the supply of a particular district. It is to this degradation of a central school for higher elementary education, and not to the supply of additional accommodation, that the Department have objected; and, as at present advised, I sea no reason to re-consider my decision in the matter.