HC Deb 11 June 1888 vol 326 c1806

Bill considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

Clause 1 (Consent of local authority generally required to provisional order for supply of electricity).

SIR GEORGE CAMPBELL (, &c.) Kirkcaldy

said, he desired to withdraw the Amendment which he placed before the House on the last occasion, and substitute another, to which he hoped there would be no objection.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Amendment proposed, In page 1, to add at end of Clause—"The grant of authority to any company or person to supply electricity within any area, whether granted by lease or by means of a provisional order, shall not in any way hinder or restrict the granting of a licence or provisional order to the local authority, or to any company or person with the consent of the local authority within the same area."—(Sir George Campbell.)

Question, "That those words be there added," put, and agreed to.

Remaining Clauses agreed to.

Bill reported, with an Amendment; as amended, to be considered upon Thursday.