HC Deb 08 June 1888 vol 326 cc1530-1
MR. BUCHANAN (Edinburgh, W.)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether he can now state in what way the money allocated to Scotland for relief of local taxation in the ensuing year will be distributed?


Papers are being printed which will show hon. Members the exact particulars of the scheme by which we propose to distribute the amount in regard to which this Question is asked. I will give the main figures now; but I would ask the hon. Member to suspend his judgment on the whole scheme until he sees the Papers, with the explanations. Of the Probate Duty, which amounts to £156,000, £70,000 will be allowed to disturnpiked roads—the same amount as was allocated last year—and £86,000 for local and parochial assessments. Of the latter, £30,000 will go to the Highland and Island parishes, according to the scheme, the details of which hon. Members will gather from the published correspondence, which will be put before the House, and which has been carefully prepared by the Board of Supervision. If the Horse and Wheel Tax be applied to Scotland, there will be a further £74,000, of which £39,000 will go to parochial assessments, and the rest to roads.