HC Deb 04 June 1888 vol 326 c1148

(Mr. Mowbray, Mr. Childers, Mr. John Talbot, Mr. Tomlinson.)


Order for Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."—(Mr. Mowbray.)

MR. ILLINGWORTH (Bradford, W.)

said, the House should really have some knowledge of what they were assenting to in giving a second reading to the Bill.

MR. MOWBRAY (Lancashire, Prestwich)

said, the Bill was introduced last Session by Mr. Baggallay, and the hon. Member did not then object to it. The particular object of the Bill was to extend the principle of the Agricultural Holdings Act to the case of incumbents in the occupation of Glebe land, so that when an incumbent died, or changed his incumbency, his representatives should be entitled to receive from his successor compensation for permanent improvements. The Bill had the support of many hon. Members on the other side, and he hoped it would receive a second reading.


said, he objected to the Bill being taken at an unreasonable hour.

Question put, and negatived.

Second Reading deferred till Wednesday.

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