HC Deb 31 July 1888 vol 329 cc942-3
MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with reference to the appointment by the County Antrim Grand Jury of Mr. Davidson as Baronial High Constable on the terms of giving him 9d. in the £1, Whether he is aware that Mr. Hill, who offered to do the work for half that amount, was prepared to give two sufficient and unobjectionable sureties as required by the Grand Jury Act; whether he is aware that under the Grand Jury system in Ireland similar appointments are frequently made; and, whether he will now support such a Bill for the reform of the Grand Jury as was introduced during the present Session by the hon. Member for North Kildare (Mr. Carew)?


As I have already stated, in reply to a Question put a few days ago by the hon. Member for Falkirk (Mr. W. P. Sinclair), I am informed that the rate of 9d. in the £1 has existed for some years, having been recommended by a Committee appointed by the County Antrim Grand Jury to consider the remuneration to be allowed. The question the Grand Jury had, therefore, before them was whether Mr. Davidson or Mr. Hill should be appointed at the fixed rate of 9d., and they appointed the former, as in their opinion the best qualified. In view, however, of Mr. Hill's offer to do the work at so low a rate as 4½d., the Grand Jury at the same sitting appointed a Committee to again consider the question of what would be a fair uniform rate of allowance throughout the county, this Committee to report at next Assizes.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the difference in the amount paid for the work, and what that could have been done for by a competent and solvent person, is £1,000; and I wish to ask him whether the Government will take any steps to save the ratepayers from an unnecessary charge imposed upon them by a non-representative Body?


I am unwilling to offer any general observations in answer to a Question on Local Government in Ireland; but I may say that I do not believe that any change introduced into the present system, however desirable it might be on other grounds, would conduce to economy.