HC Deb 30 July 1888 vol 329 c728

Bill, as amended, considered.

MR. COURTNEY (Cornwall, Bodmin)

said, there was one point in reference to the Bill which he ought to explain, and to which he ought to call the attention of the House, although he did not think that it was necessary the House should take any action upon it. As the House was aware, there was a stringent Act governing the payment of costs of proceedings in reference to Private Bills, and the costs of opponents were only given against promoters of a Bill where the Committee were unanimous in holding resistance to the opposition vexatious. There were certain opponents to this Bill among the ratepayers of Preston, and they appeared before the Committee, and so far succeeded in impressing their views upon the Committee as to obtain a considerable reduction in the capital asked for by the Corporation in promotion of their plan. The Committee appeared to be of opinion that the Petitioners had so far succeeded as to be entitled to their costs. At the same time, he did not know that that opinion was unanimous, or that it was the opinion of Members that the opposition was frivolous and vexatious. The Committee intimated their opinion that the Petitioners were entitled to costs, and, after some consideration, the promoters of the Bill decided not to oppose the granting of costs. In consequence a clause was inserted, without dissent, granting costs which, if it had been done against unwilling promoters, would not have been satisfactory. But, inasmuch as, after consideration, the promoters did not dissent, but practically assented to the proposal, he thought the House would consider the Committee were right in the course they had taken, and that the Petitioners were entitled to their costs.

An Amendment made.

Bill to be read the third time.

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