HC Deb 24 July 1888 vol 329 c323
MR. WEBSTER (St. Pancras, E.)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he is aware that the inquiry respecting the Metropolitan Board of Works extends back to a period anterior to the election of more than half the present members, who have been elected since 1885, and that the substantial allegations against that Board have been in respect to matters which occurred prior to 1885; whether he can give any precedent in England or elsewhere for the unpaid representatives at a Central Council of the Local Authorities of various districts to have been called on to pay the costs of an inquiry, either in regard to counsel's fees, or in any other way respecting an inquiry into matters which occurred prior to their election, and over which by no possibility could they have had any control whatsoever; and, if it is the purpose of the Government to hold the present members of a Public Body responsible for those who preceded them?


I am aware that the reference to the Metropolitan Board of Works Commission was unlimited in respect of time; and the fact that inquiry might be made into matters which occurred prior to the election of some of the present members of the Board would not have justified the Government in restricting the scope of the inquiry, and Parliament did not think fit to do so. I am not aware that any Member of the Board has had to bear personally any expenses arising out of the inquiry. It is for the Royal Commissioners, and not for the Government, to determine whether the present members can to any extent, if at all, be held responsible for any action of their predecessors.