§ MR. W. A. MACDONALD (Queen's Co., Ossory)asked the Solicitor General for Ireland a Question of which he had given him private Notice, Whether jury packing was in full operation in Queen's County; whether all the Roman Catholics had recently been ordered to stand aside without cause shown, and for no other apparent reason than that they were Roman Catholics; whether of the entire population of the county 88 per 213 cent are Roman Catholics; whether a strong feeling of indignation existed among the special jurors in consequence of their exclusion; whether that feeling had found expression in a respectful, but firm, protest presented last Thursday week to Mr. Justice Johnson, the Judge of Assize; whether the learned Judge told the memorialists that it was a thing with which he had nothing to do; whether——
§ MR. SPEAKERI think the hon. Gentleman will see that he should put that Question on the Paper in the usual way.