§ MR. C. T. DYKE ACLAND (Cornwall, Launceston)asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether, in the event of the Devon Court of Quarter Sessions again refusing an inquiry into the case of Sergeant Allin, he will be prepared to order an inquiry by one of the District Inspectors of Police, with a view to the publication of his Report?
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. MATTHEWS) (Birmingham, E.)The Chief Constable is the officer of Quarter Sessions, and it is for them, and not for the Secretary of State, to hold any inquiry that may be necessary; nor have I authority to give to the Court of Quarter Sessions any direction to do so. I can scarcely doubt that, after what has passed, they will think it advisable in the public interest to hold an inquiry; but I cannot anticipate their decision, or announce beforehand what I may be prepared to do if they decide otherwise.