HC Deb 19 July 1888 vol 328 c1746
MR. BAUMANN (Camberwell, Peckham)

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether Sir John Pope Hennessy is going back to the Mauritius; if so, when; and if not, by what rule in the Colonial Service a Colonial Governor is allowed to live in this country, and draw half his salary?


(who replied) said: It is proposed that Sir John Pope Hennessy shall return to Mauritius in October next. There is no Rule or Regulation defining the amount of leave of absence, whether with or without salary, which may be allowed to a Colonial Governor. The Secretary of State for the Colonies is responsible for making such arrangements as may be at once fair to the Governor and not injurious to the Public Service. I may add that Sir John Pope Hennessy's official work has been entirely within the tropics—namely, in Borneo, Sierra Leone, the West Coast of Africa, the West Indian Islands, Hong Kong, and Mauritius; and a Governor who has never served in a temperate climate is considered to be entitled to more indulgence in regard to leave of absence in Europe than Governors whose service has been in healthy climates. During his present leave he has been frequently consulted by the Secretary of State on important questions connected with his government.

SIR GEORGE CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

Might I ask whether there is no Regulation regarding the amount of pay drawn by Colonial Governors on leave of absence?


I have answered that Question— There is no Rule or Regulation defining the amount of leave of absence, whether with or without salary, which may be allowed to a Colonial Governor.