HC Deb 16 July 1888 vol 328 c1386
SIR JOHN COLOMB (Tower Hamlets, Bow, &c.)

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether it is a fact that the officers' quarters in Victoria Barracks, Belfast, were condemned, in 1883, as unfit for occupation, owing to frequent cases occurring of enteric fever; and, whether these quarters are now in use as a hospital for soldiers?

THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. E. STANHOPE) (Lincolnshire, Horncastle)

The officers' quarters referred to were condemned as officers' quarters because they were found unsuitable for the purpose, and not because of the frequent occurrences of cases of enteric fever. On the contrary, no case of enteric fever has originated in this building. It is now used as an infectious diseases ward; but I shall be glad when it is possible to provide a better place.