§ THE LORD MAYOR OF DUBLIN (Mr. SEXTON) (Belfast, W.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, although 408 the grounds of Queen's College, Belfast, were open for many years to visitors, of late barricades have been placed across the paths, gates closed, and sometimes looked in the daytime, and other impediments put in the way of any enjoyment of the grounds by residents of the neighbourhood; and, whether, as the College is sustained by the public funds, and as there is great want of open spaces in Belfast, steps will be taken to revert to the former practice?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) Manchester, E.)The President of the Queen's College, Belfast, reports that the grounds of the College are open at present as freely as they have ever been. The gates are always open during the day, and the front gate at night. There are no barricades on any of the walks, nor are any restrictions placed on the public. They are simply requested not to make paths across the grass.