HC Deb 21 February 1888 vol 322 cc997-8
MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, would there be any difficulty in granting a Return, in a simpler form than that of 8th May, 1877 (No. 194), giving particulars of the amount of compensation awarded under the Land Act, 1870, for disturbance and for improvements annually to 1888, showing each county and province separately, and the total acreage affected?

THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN)(who replied) (Kent, Isle of Thanet)

said: The greater part of the information asked for will be found in the Annual Reports on Judicial Statistics which are presented to the House. If the hon. and learned Member will be so good as to communicate to me in writing any suggestions he may wish to make with regard to simplification of the forms of Return, I should be happy to confer with those concerned in the matter. It would not be practicable to give the acreage.