HC Deb 09 February 1888 vol 322 c57

MR. SPEAKER acquainted the House that he had received a Letter relating to the imprisonment of Mr. Cunninghame Graham, a Member of this House:—

Gartlet, Watford, Herts,

Jan. 25.


I beg leave to inform you that Mr. Cunninghame Graham, M.P., was tried before me at the Central Criminal Court, on Jan. 16, 17, 18, for (1.) Riot; (2.) Taking part in an unlawful assembly; and (3.) Assaults on the Police in the execution of their duty. The Jury acquitted him of the first and third charges, but found him guilty of the second. I sentenced him to be imprisoned without hard labour for six weeks.

I have to apologise for not notifying to you this sentence earlier, and remain,

Faithfully yours,


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