HC Deb 20 December 1888 vol 332 c890
MR. PICKERSGILL (Bethnal Green, S.W.)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether his application for an increase of staff for the Savings Bank Department has been under the consideration of the Treasury for some months; whether, in consequence of the delay in arriving at the decision, the work of the Department is greatly in arrear; whether the work now performed on extra duty (exclusive of that necessary for the preparation of the annual balance sheet) can be entirely provided for by the introduction of the seven hours' scale; and, whether he will take immediate steps to relieve the officers of the Department from the performance of extra duty such as has been necessary during the last 12 months?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

The hon. Member puts to me four Questions. To the first the answer is that the case is as stated; and to the second that, owing to the cordial co-operation of the staff, the work of the Department cannot be described as greatly in arrear, although no doubt it is not so forward as it was this time last year. How far the work now performed by extra duty can be provided for by the seven hours' scale is a question which is now engaging my careful attention, and that of the Treasury, and I am not yet prepared to express a positive opinion on the point. In the matter of extra duty no efforts shall be wanting on my part to procure the relief required.