HC Deb 20 December 1888 vol 332 c859
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If the Local Government Board Inspector, Dr. Thomson, on two occasions—namely, June 4 and July 17, 1888, wrote to the Newcastle Union, stating that the Board would require the dispensary doctor of Ardagh District to reside within the district; and, at what distance from the centre of such district does the present medical officer reside?


It is the case that the Local Government Board in consequence of a recommendation of their late Medical Inspector, addressed the Dispensary Committee requesting them to call upon the medical officer of the Ardagh District to reside within the district; but, having fully considered the representations made by the Dispensary Committee, the Local Government Board decided not to insist on the present arrangement being disturbed. Athea, where the medical officer previously re sided, and Newcastle, the present residence, are about equidistant from the centre of the district—namely, some six miles.