HC Deb 17 December 1888 vol 332 c447
MR. J. ROBERTS (Mint, &c.)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether shopkeepers and others who keep a post office as part only of their occupation are on that account disqualified from becoming candidates for seats on the County Council?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES)(who replied) (Cambridge University)

said: At the request of my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board I reply to the hon. Member's Question. As the duties of County Councillor appear to me incompatible with those which a Postmaster has to perform, I have felt it right to issue a notice to the effect that a Postmaster, before becoming a candidate for the County Councils, must resign his situation under the Post Office. This Rule will apply to Postmasters and Sub-Postmasters and receivers who keep shops, or who give only a part of their time to the Post Office, as well as to others. I may add that I have, where special application has been made to me, consented to the Sub-Postmasters in rural villages, where there is no other public functionary, receiving the nomination papers for the election of County Councillors; and I mention this in order to show how important it is to maintain the absolute neutrality of the Post Office in any election of public importance.