HC Deb 17 December 1888 vol 332 c461
MR. SHAW LEFEVRE (Bradford, Central)

asked Mr. Solicitor General for Ireland, Whether he would lay upon the Table a Return as follows:— Clanricarde Estate, Galway, Returns of the Number and Rates of Evictions on Lord Clanricarde's Estate in Galway during the last four years, the number of Police and Soldiers employed on each occasion, and the Cost to the State of employing them on such duty; of the number of Persons prosecuted in respect of such Evictions, or for holding meetings to protest against them, or to express sympathy with persons who have been convicted in respect of such Evictions, and the convictions and terms of imprisonment of the same; and of the Costs of the Crown in the various prosecutions aforesaid?


I am not in a position to answer the Question without Notice; but if the right hon. Gentleman will put it on the Paper I will give him a reply.