HC Deb 14 December 1888 vol 332 c239

In reply to The LORD MAYOR of DUBLIN (Mr. SEXTON) (Belfast, W.),

THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. W. H. SMITH) (Strand, Westminster)

said, that he was not in a position to make any announcement as to the date of the Adjournment. He trusted that they would be able to conclude the Business of the House before Christmas. The Irish Estimates could not be taken until Tuesday at the earliest.

In reply to Mr. ESSLEMONT (Aberdeen, E.),


said, he would state this evening whether the Scotch Estimates would be taken to-morrow or not. He hoped he should be able to do so before 7 o'clock.

In reply to Mr. BURT (Morpeth),


regretted to say that, in consequence of the serious opposition with which the further progress of the Employers' Liability for Injuries to Workmen Bill was threatened, the Government were under the necessity of relinquishing all hope of proceeding with the Bill this Session. The Bill would, therefore, be withdrawn. The present Act ceased to operate at the end of this year; and it would be necessary for Parliament to continue that Act within the next few days.

In reply to Mr. HOWELL (Bethnal Green, N.E.),


said, that the Statute Law Revision Bill was in the hands of the House and stood for second reading. As the hon. Member was aware, much labour had been expended on it. If the House were willing to pass it through its various stages before the Adjournment he should be very glad.