§ MR. SHAW LEFEVRE (Bradford, Central)asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, with reference to his statement at Glasgow on October 11, that £400,000 had been saved in the financial year ending March 31 last, and with the consent of the Treasury had been ex-pended 1756 in the purchase of stores, so as to cause the reduction of the amount to be voted this year, Whether he will state the Votes and Sub-heads of the Votes on which the savings were made, and the amounts thereof, and on what Sub-heads of the Store Vote the same was expended?
THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. FORWOOD)(who replied) said (Lancashire, Ormskirk)One hundred and eight thousand pounds was saved on the Wages Vote, and £196,000 on the Contract Vote, making a total of £304,000, There was expended, in excess of the Estimates, £55,000 on. Victuals and Clothing; £161,000 on Naval Stores; £2,500 on Medical Stores; on the Machinery Vote £48,000; and on Miscellaneous Services £15,000.