HC Deb 03 December 1888 vol 331 cc841-2
MR. BAETLEY (Islington, N.)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether he is aware that in Westminster and other places local rates for the whole year ending March are collected in advance in May and June, and that the money so collected is retained at the bankers for many months; that to enforce this payment in advance summonses are issued for these rates by the hundred; that this inflicts much hardship on small ratepayers; and, whether he can take steps, by legislation or otherwise, to require that such rates shall be collected quarterly, as is done in some districts?

THE PRESIDENT (Mr. RITCHIE) (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)

I believe that it is the case that in Westminster and a few other parishes in the Metropolis the local rates are made for a whole year; but I am informed that at Westminster the rates, although made for the year, are payable in eight instalments. Under these circumstances, I do not think any hardship is inflicted on the ratepayers.


asked whether it was not the fact that summonses were issued to poor people in great numbers for their rates for a year and a-half; and whether a magistrate had refused to sign them?


said, he was informed that it was not the case that summonses were issued for a year and a-half's rates in advance. Summonses were only taken out in cases where the instalments were long overdue.