§ MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe), referring to a Notice on the Paper of a Motion by the Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Jackson) to introduce a Bill to regularize the position of Divisional Magistrates in Ireland, asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If his Motion was consistent with the Government pledge not to take any other Business this Session than the programme which he recently laid before the House?
§ THE FIRST LORD (Mr. W. H. SMITH) (Strand, Westminster)Yes, Sir; I think it is consistent, and when the hon. Gentleman hears the explanation he will probably think the same. This Bill is simply intended to regularize payments which have been made both by the late Government and by the present Government, and for which it is alleged there is insufficient statutory authority excepting in the Appropriation Act. An undertaking was given to the Public Accounts Committee that the measure should be introduced; it is of a formal character.
§ THE LORD MAYOR OF DUBLIN (Mr. SEXTON)asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the Bill would increase the salaries beyond the legal scale?
§ MR. JACKSONNo; I believe not.