HC Deb 26 April 1888 vol 325 c567
MR. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he can state when the results of the Conference, that was held at the Board of Trade on the 1st of February, 1887, of the Representatives of the Boards of River Conservators, under the Presidency of Lord Stanley of Preston, will be made public; and, whether, in consequence of that Conference, it is intended to give to Boards of Conservators the right to issue licences for river fishing?


As I recently stated to the hon. Member for the Central Division of Sheffield (Colonel Howard Vincent), the Report of the Conference was printed and sent to the various Fishery Boards; and I do not think it would be worth while to go to the expense of further publication. As regards the latter part of the Question, Fishery Boards already have power to issue fishing licences for salmon, trout, and char; but no steps are at present being taken to extend their powers in this respect.