HC Deb 25 April 1888 vol 325 cc439-41
MR. CLANCY (Dublin Co., N.)

asked Mr. Solicitor General for Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the serious criminal charges brought against several citizens of Belfast in connection with wholesale frauds alleged to have been committed against a certain In- surance Company there; whether serious charges have also been made in the Belfast Police Court against the Company; whether this Company is at present conducting the prosecution against two of its own officials, and also against one of its largest policy holders, who is a member of the Belfast Town Council; whether charges have been made that the Company sought to condone the alleged offence of this policy holder, by accepting surrender of the policies said to have been fraudulently obtained by him and by returning him the premiums which he had paid; and, whether, under the circumstances, it is the intention of the Government to take the conduct of the prosecution into its own hands, instead of leaving the conduct of the prosecution in the hands of a Company against which such charges have been made?


Pending the proceedings referred to in the first four paragraphs of this Question, I do not think it right to do more than to state that a magisterial investigation into certain alleged frauds is now in progress. In reply to the fourth paragraph, the Attorney General informs me that he has directed the Sessional Crown Solicitor to make inquiry into the case, and to interpose at once if there be any want of bona fides in the investigation. In any event, the papers will be submitted to the Attorney General for his directions at the close of the magisterial inquiry, when he will be in a position to decide as to the course which should be taken on the part of the Crown.


I would ask the hon. and learned Gentleman, whether the Government ever gave instruction to any counsel to watch the case on behalf of the Crown; and whether, if they did not, there is any precedent for having taken such a course, or of rather for not having taken such a course?


I gather, from the information I have received from the Attorney General, that the case was being watched, not by counsel, but by the Sessional Crown Solicitor. That is a course which has been taken on other occasions. There is no departure from, precedent.


Then am I to understand that the Sessional Crown Solicitor has been watching the case all the time on behalf of the Crown?


I did not state that the Sessional Crown Solicitor had been watching the case all the time. The answer I gave from the Attorney General was that he had directed the Sessional Crown Solicitor to make inquiry into the case, and to interpose at once if there were any grounds to suppose that there was any want of bona fides in the investigation. That is the entire information which I have from the Attorney General as to what took place.


May I ask when this instruction was given from the Attorney General to the Sessional Crown Solicitor?


I am not informed as to that. If the hon. and learned Gentleman requires further information he can put a Question on the Paper; but I have answered the Question which is at present on the Paper.

MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)

I should like to ask the hon. and learned Gentleman, whether he is aware that the Town Councillor referred to in the Question is a Mr. Dunlop, a gentleman of considerable property; that Mr. Dunlop was arrested under a warrant issued by a Resident Magistrate upon an information laid by a detective, who had direct instructions from Dublin Castle; whether Mr. Dunlop was kept in gaol for two nights and was then admitted to bail, and that afterwards the Crown—


Order, order! That seems to be the subject of a new Question.


Arising out of this, Sir.


Order, order! That seems to be the subject of a new Question, of which due Notice must be given.


I beg to give Notice that I will repeat the Question tomorrow.