HC Deb 17 April 1888 vol 324 cc1473-4
DR. R. MACDONALD (Ross and Cromarty)

asked the Lord Advocate, Whether the placing of numerous posts, with iron hooks attached, by Lord Middleton, in Applecross Bay, was in accordance with 29 Geo. II., c. 22, s. 1, which, inter alia, enacts that— If any person or persons whatsoever shall obstruct or hinder any person or persons from fishing in moonlight nights, or at any other time whatsoever, in all or any or in any part of the said seas, &c., such person shall for every such offence respectively forfeit the sum of £100 sterling; whether it is his intention to prosecute Lord Middleton for the above penalties; and, whether he is aware that, since attention has been drawn to the subject, Lord Middleton has begun to remove the obstruction referred to therein?

THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. H. A. MACDONALD) (Edinburgh, and St. Andrew's Universities)

I cannot give any answer as to the legality or illegality of acts done upon a bare statement in a Question, and without knowledge of the particulars. I have already informed the hon. Member that no persons have fished, or attempted to fish, in the place referred to, and it follows that no person has been obstructed or hindered. I answer the last paragraph in the negative.

DR. CAMERON (Glasgow, College)

asked, whether the Lord Advocate would cause inquiry to be made to ascertain whether the facts were as stated in the Question?


The Act to which my hon. Friend refers is an Act to prohibit any person from obstructing or hindering a person from fishing. I have stated that, as a matter of fact, no person has been obstructed or hindered; and therefore I do not see any cause for an inquiry.