HC Deb 16 April 1888 vol 324 c1298
MR. LABOUCHERE (Northampton)

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether the firms who have obtained contracts for public printing also supply paper; what is the price charged per 1 lb. for the various qualities of paper used; whether the prices which are charged to purchasers of public papers represent the price of paper, ink, and machining alone, or a part of the cost of "setting up" is included; and, what is the price per 1 lb. obtained for waste paper?


None of the firms holding Government printing contracts, with a few unimportant and special exceptions, now supply paper also under their contracts. Printing paper is obtained at 2¼d to 2½d. per 1 lb., writing paper from 3½d. upwards, according to quality. The prices charged to purchasers of Parliamentary Papers cover the cost of paper and striking off copies, and under the present contracts would, perhaps, yield a slight amount towards the cost of "setting up," if the number of copies to be sold could be correctly conjectured. It is difficult to give figures as to the price obtained for waste paper; but I may say that 188 tons sold last month realized £6 2s. 6d. a-ton on the average. Occasional lots have fetched as much as £15 a-ton.