HC Deb 16 April 1888 vol 324 c1303
MR. ANDERSON (Elgin and Nairn)

asked the Lord Advocate, Whether his attention has been called to the following statement by Professor Ewart— That mussels were in an unsatisfactory condition. There was, however, a possibility that they might be looked to, and that we might learn to cultivate them after the French system; whether the Government, in pursuance of their pledge given on the 12th day of May, 1887, have asked the Scotch Fishery Board to advise them as to whether anything should be done in regard to mussel beds, and what should be done; and, if the Government will state to what it is that Professor Ewart refers in the words above quoted?

THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. H. A. MACDONALD) (Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities)

The quotation in the first paragraph is correct. Her Majesty's Government have had investigations made, and have received Reports in regard to the present state of the mussel beds; and a special Report has been obtained from Professor Ewart in regard to the French system of cultivation, which is now before the Board for consideration. It is to the system organized in France that Professor Ewart refers.


said, the right hon. and learned Gentleman had not answered the latter part of the Question.


asked the hon. Member to repeat that portion of his Question another day.