§ MR. D. CRAWFORD (Lanark, N.E.)asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether, in the advertisements for tenders for ironmongery and cutlery stores for the Navy, it is announced that forms of tender and patterns will be shown in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Sheffield, Dudley, and Wolverhampton, but not in any town in Scotland; and, whether he will favourably consider the claim of manufacturers in the West of Scotland, that forms of tender and pattern should also be on view in Glasgow?
§ THE FIRST LORD (Lord GEORGE HAMILTON) (Middlesex, Ealing)There are two sets of patterns; one of them is always on view at the pattern room in London, where many firms prefer to see them, and the other is exhibited at the centre of the trade concerned. Thus, hardware patterns are on view in 1039 Birmingham or Wolverhampton; cutlery at Sheffield; glass at Dudley; carpets at Kidderminster; textile goods at Dundee; and so on. It is impossible to do more without incurring very heavy expense, amounting to thousands of pounds, in providing additional sets of patterns. Glasgow, although a large centre of industry, can hardly be regarded as a headquarters of the trade in any one of the class of articles asked for; although, perhaps, it has greater claims for the exhibition of black ironmongery and gun-metal ships' fittings, in which it does a very considerable business, than for other articles. If, as elsewhere is usually the case, the Chamber of Commerce will provide accommodation for such patterns as may be sent to Glasgow and undertake their charge and exhibition free of expense, arrangements might be made to show some patterns occasionally at Glasgow. If the Chamber of Commerce will place themselves in communication with me, I will see what can be done. It should be added that no manufacturer has hitherto complained of patterns not being exhibited at Glasgow.