HC Deb 06 September 1887 vol 320 cc1345-6
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the Petty Sessions clerk of the districts of Skreen, Dromore West, and Easky (County Sligo), has been suspended from office; whether his books have been signed by the local Constabulary; what is the nature of the charge against him; and, whether an investigation has been held; and, if so, by whom, and in what manner, and with what result?

THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN) () (who replied) Kent, Isle of Thanet

said: The Petty Sessions Clerk referred to was suspended and his official books taken possession of by the Constabulary. The charge against the clerk was that he had failed to duly account for the public moneysreceived by him. The Registrar of Potty Sessions Clerks detailed a member of his staff to inquire into the case, who examined the clerk's books, cash balances, and the mode in which his general duties were discharged. The inspection showed that the duties of the clerk were, with the exception of the default which led to his suspension, well discharged, and that his books and cash balances were correct. As the result of this investigation the clerk was severely reprimanded for his default, and warned against a repetition of it. The suspension was then, removed.

In answer to a further Question,


said, the failure of the clerk to pay public money was a failure to pay the money due for the financial quarter ending 31st July, and to furnish an account to the Quarter Sessions. The clerk did not do this until he received notice of suspension. He explained that this was inconsequence of a previous illness; and on going through his books, as he had said, the cash balance was found to be perfectly correct.