§ MR. F. PARKER(for Mr. KENYON) (Denbigh, &c.)asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the fact that at a recent execution a large crowd was collected round Newgate Prison, and that on the hoisting of the black flag cheers were raised by those assembled; and, whether, having regard to the spirit of the Private Executions Act, the Government have power to enable the authorities at Newgate to dispense with the hoisting of the flag, and thus prevent these public demonstrations?
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. MATTHEWS) (Birmingham, E.)Yes, Mr. Speaker; my attention has been called to this matter. The Rules made by the Secretary of State, under the Act of 1868, are now under revision. The question of dispensing with the hoist- 719 ing of the black flag will be considered; but I must not be understood as pledging myself to adopt the suggestion of ray hon. Friend. Some public intimation that an excution has taken place is, I think, desirable.