HC Deb 16 May 1887 vol 315 cc56-7
MR. LEAHY (Kildare, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he is aware that owing to the reported drunkenness and neglect of duty of Joseph Watt, one of the relieving officers of the Belfast Union, at a meeting held on the 3rd May, 1887, the Guardians decided and directed that Watt's conduct for the ensuing week should be closely watched to see if any improvement would set in, and that as the result Watt was drunk, to the knowledge of several officers of the Union and others, and did not attend to the Barrack Street Dispensary for several days; is he aware that Watt's conduct was brought home to the knowledge of a large Board of the Guardians on the 10th May, 1887, and that his services are still retained without admonition or reproof; and, what action does the Local Government Board intend to take in the matter?


(who replied) said, he had already stated twice, he thought, in reply to Questions on this subject, that this relieving officer was obliged to retire from the meeting of the Board on the 3rd instant owing to illness. The Guardians on the day in question did not give any instructions that Watt should be watched to ascertain whether he was intoxicated. His non-attendance, reported due to illness, was confirmed by a medical certificate, which was laid before the Guardians at their meeting on the 10th instant. The Local Government Board did not see any ground at the present moment for action on their part.