§ MR. M. J. KENNY (Tyrone, Mid)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If it is usual to compel workmistresses, who have been already recognized as such by the Board of National Education, to submit to re-examination in certain branches of the subject which they teach, and upon what grounds the Commissioners of Education have ordered a further examination of Miss Daly, of the Milltown National School, County Tyrone, in view of the fact that her appointment has been already ratified by the Education Board?
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN) (Kent, Isle of Thanet)(who replied) said, it was not usual, except in special cases, to compel workmistresses to be re-examined. In the case referred to, the Commissioners of National Education reported that Miss Daly was merely examined in one branch in which she had not previously obtained a place in her examination.