HC Deb 13 May 1887 vol 314 c1815
MR. TOTTENHAM (Winchester)

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he can state when the two Army Corps and Cavalry Division, stated by him as about to be formed, will be so, and if they will be on the peace or war footing; what will be the number of Infantry Battalions, Cavalry Regiments, Horse and Field Batteries in each Corps, and the establishment of each; what will be the total effective strength of each Corps and Division, and where the headquarters of each will be; and, whether it is proposed to assemble any, or all, of these Corps and Division at one or more points for exercise within the present year, and for what period?

THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. E. STANHOPE) (Lincolnshire, Horncastle)

The organization of the two Army Corps and Cavalry Division is worked out in detail, and I propose shortly to lay before Parliament a Paper which will fully answer my hon. Friend's Questions. To assemble all or any of these Corps would involve a large expenditure, which is not provided for in the present Estimates.