HC Deb 13 May 1887 vol 314 c1807
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether applications from Civil Service Writers, who served on the Census of 1881, to have such services counted towards bonus and gratuity under the provisions of the Treasury Minute of December last, have been received at the Treasury, and that the Lords Commissioners have replied to them declining to consider the question; and, if he will, in accordance with his promise to examine further into the case of the writers, take this matter into favourable consideration, with a view to permitting such writers to count the services rendered by them to the State as Census clerks towards the benefits promulgated in such Treasury Minute?


I am informed that an application from one Civil Service copyist praying that non-copyist service should be counted as copyist service was received at the Treasury and refused, because the Treasury Minute of December was confined to copyist service. A claim that non-copyist service should count as copyist service would require very careful consideration. If such a claim were sent in to the Head of the Department in which the applicants gave such service it would have my attention; but I must not be understood thereby as implying any promise of compliance.