HC Deb 12 May 1887 vol 314 c1669
MR. T. E. ELLIS (Merionethshire)

asked the Secretary of State for the Homo Department, Whether his attention has been called to a paragraph in The Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald of 30th April, relating to the Petty Sessional Division of Cerrig y Druidion, County of Denbigh— An Abortive Petty Sessions. — Another Petty Sessions fell duo here on Monday last, and although there were a few cases to be heard, no magistrate could be found to attend; whether the repeated failure of the Monthly Petty Sessions at Cerrig y Druidion is due to the aversion of magistrates to sit with a gentleman recently made a Justice, and who is said to have associated himself with the anti-tithe agitation; and, whether he will take steps to procure a prompt administration of justice in this Petty Sessional Division?


(who replied) said: There was an abortive Petty Sessions at Cerrig y Druidion in April last; and those Sessions have not been held regularly in the past in consequence of the difficulty of obtaining a quorum of Justices. This was not due, the Secretary of State is informed, to the cause suggested in the Question, but to the inaccessibility of the place, and the limited number of magistrates. The Lord Lieutenant has recently added one magistrate to the Bench of the district, and he hopes to find a second qualified person. By this increase of strength on the Bench the Lord Lieutenant anticipates that the regular attendance of a quorum will be secured.