MR. J. ELLIS (Leicestershire, Bosworth)(for Mr. CHANNING)(Northampton, E.) asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been drawn to the following facts—that in the village of Great Easton, in the County of Leicester, a statutory notice, to put into operation the Allotments Extension Act of 1882, has been duly served on the administrators of the "Poors Close" Charity; that the said "Poors Close" is about three-fourths of a mile from the village, has a good road to it, and is more conveniently situated than the present allotments, and that the latter are insufficient for the acquirements of the village; that the overseers have refused to put "The Allotments Extension Act, 1882," in force, and that, though notified that the Charity Commissioners have been appealed to in the matter, they re-let the field for another year; and, whether, taking all the circumstances into consideration, ho will direct any steps to be taken to compel the administrators of the "Poors Close," at Great Easton, to carry out the Allotments Extension Act?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. STUART-WORTLEY) (Sheffield, Hallam)(who replied) said: The Charity Commissioners were informed by a correspondent writing on behalf of certain applicants for allotments on the 21st of April and 2nd instant to the effect stated in the first three paragraphs of the Question. The Commissioners have already called upon the overseers, who appear to administer the Charity, to take steps to carry out the Allotments Extension Act, 1882, and are making inquiries. Pending the result of those inquiries, the Commissioners are unable to say whether any proceedings on their part to compel the overseers to carry out the Act will be necessary. The overseers 1452 have expressed to the Secretary of State the opinion that the land is quite unsuitable for allotments.