§ SIR GUYER HUNTER (Hackney, Central)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the Government are in a position to grant the prayer of a Petition made by the fishermen and residents of Ardmore, in the County of Waterford, to 944 the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in 1866, for the erection of a pier or breakwater, necessary for the protection of the numerous boats engaged in the fishing industry of that place, and towards which private subscriptions to a considerable amount were promised, and a substantial baronial grant passed about three years ago; whether, owing to the absence of some such protection, much poverty prevails among the fishermen; and, whether the able-bodied are, as a consequence, emigrating to America?
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN) (Kent, Isle of Thanet)(who replied) said; This case has been brought under the notice of the Commission on Irish Public Works, who will consider it, together with other similar cases. The Royal Commissioners propose to visit the Coast next month, and will visit Ardmore. The police are not aware that much poverty exists among the people there, or that the emigration is exceptional.