HC Deb 31 March 1887 vol 313 cc186-7

Order for Second Beading read.


I beg to move that this Order be discharged, and I do so owing to the ruling of the Examiner of Bills that this ought to have been brought in as a Private Bill. Perhaps I may be permitted to appeal to the Under Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Stuart-Wortley) to consider the question to which the Bill relates, and to legislate upon it as early as possible. The question of fires taking place in the Metropolis is one well worthy the consideration of the Home Office, and I hope they will look into the question and. bring in a Bill which may settle the question, not only as regards the City of London, but as regards the country at large.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Order be discharged."—(Sir Robert Fowler.)

MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)

I happen to know something in regard to this measure, and I cannot commend the way in which it has been dealt with. The Examiner of Bills, for some reason of his own, chooses to rule that this should be brought in as a Private Bill. In my opinion, the practice which is now springing up of the Examiner interfering with the rights of private Members is little less than a breach of the Privileges of this House.


An appeal has been made to me by the hon. Baronet the Member for the City of London (Sir Robert Fowler). I have had short Notice, and certainly did not expect such a question would be raised in such a way. I understood to-day that this Bill was abandoned, because of the difficulty of treating it in the way required by the Standing Orders of the House. The hon. Baronet, of course, knows there is little chance of dealing with a question of this kind in the present Session, and I think he will recognize that these are rather early days to ask the Government for pledges with regard to the next Session. The Government regard the question as one deserving of consideration; and, although we do not wish to pledge ourselves as to any future action, we hope the hon. Baronet will not consider himself debarred by our refusing to pledge ourselves from raising the question on a future occasion.

Question put, and agreed to.

Order discharged; Bill withdrawn.