HC Deb 31 March 1887 vol 313 cc86-7
MR. LANE (Cork Co., E.)

I wish to ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman the Attorney General for Ireland, Whether it was by his instructions that Sub-Inspector Somerville and Constable Ward, who were in custody charged with wilful murder, were allowed out on their own recognizances by the Court of Queen's Bench; and, whether they have been permitted to resume their duties in the Royal Irish Constabulary pending their trial?


I gave no instructions whatever, as to the amount of bail; but I did in this case what I am in the habit of doing in all other cases—when the informations were laid before me I considered them; and, concerning that justice so required, I instructed the Representatives of the Crown to consent to their being allowed out on bail; but it was for the Court to fix the amount of the bail. I have nothing whatever to do with the resumption of their duties.


I wish to ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman, if he approves of these two men, who are charged with wilful murder, being let out on their own recognizances?


Certainly. I approve of any decision given by a Court of competent jurisdiction.

MR. T. C. HARRINGTON (Dublin, Harbour)

I wish to ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman, Whether it is the intention of the Representatives of the Government to bring these two men charged with murder before a Bench of Magistrates, and to prefer an indictment against them; or, whether they are going to proceed against them by inquisition of the Coroner?


I propose to consider the matter in due course. I have not yet had an opportunity of consulting with the Crown Solicitor on the point; but, as the hon. and learned Member is aware, matters cannot be done all at once.