§ MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether, during the past two months, constables have been employed in watching printers at Messrs. Aird and Coghill's, Glasgow, and at the office of The Hamilton Advertiser, Hamilton, whilst the printers have been engaged in setting up the Report of Mr. 'Wallace M'Hardy, Chief Constable of Lanarkshire, on the subject of the Belfast riots; and, if so, by whose orders the constables were thus employed; how many of them were so employed; and how their pay for this work, and the cost of printing the Report in this manner, will be provided?
§ THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. H. A. MACDONALD) (Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities)(who replied) 1621 said, it is not the fact that constables wore employed during the last two months in watching printers at cither of the places mentioned while the printers were setting up Mr. M'Hardy's Report. It is the fact that during the printing off of the Report, which occupied a few hours, Mr. M'Hardy and one of his constables were present to prevent any copies being surreptitiously removed and published before it was officially issued.
§ MR. SEXTONHas the Report been presented?
§ MR. J. H. A. MACDONALDI am not aware.